

Thursday 6 September 2018

A l g e b r a - Maths!

Today I learned more about algebra and worked out algebra math problems. I learned that if a letter was next to a number, it means to multiply it. I worked out worded problems and average equations.
Here is an example of an algebra problem to give you an idea of what it looks like. Have you learned about algebra yet? Comment below if you think I should improve anything within my post. Thanks!

Image result for algebra examples


  1. Hey Ariana!
    Its cool that your learning new things with a algebra. What did you find most difficult to understand? What I would have done is created a video or slide to explain how to do the problems rather than just showing them to us. That way you're also teaching other people how to understand something as well, and your more likely to get feedback.
    Great Post!
    From Hannah

    1. Hey Hannah!
      Sorry for the late reply,
      Thanks for commenting on my blog! I appreciate the feedback, this will help me improve my posts in the future.

      I found it most difficult to work out the numbers and letters being put together when the equations got more complicated. Have you learned algebra? If so what was your least favourite thing about it? I hope you're having fun on your trip!

      Ariana, Yaldhurst Model School


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