

Tuesday 13 March 2018

Quality Blog Posting!

Today we had a lesson with our principal on how to improve our blog posts. I found that one of the most important things in a blog posts for me is adding detail. We want to tell our viewers why we are posting, and what we are posting about. At the moment, all of our class is focusing on Quality blog posting, as well as commenting. 

Number 1 was explaining the posts our class saw, as one person's post we saw had posted an animation, using scratch. The 2nd person's post we looked at was about a flag. The first two posts we looked at didn't use much detail, and didn't tell us what the post was about. The 3rd person's post told us about what activity she was doing, and this person used lots of detail. If you'd like to have a look at this person's post, here is the link:
Please give me feedback on this post, and tell me what other things are important in a blog post, if I missed it. Thanks for reading:)

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Ariana for sharing your ideas about quality blogging. The more interesting you make your blog posts the more likely you are to gain quality feedback in the comments section of your blog. I am looking forward to reading more about why you are posting as the year goes on. One thing I am really looking forward to reading in your future blog posts is why you are sharing and why you have created a DLO for your blog.


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